From 16th February 2025*, we are making some changes to some of our fares and tickets in the Solent area.

This is based on customer feedback, and we’re making our Single fares easier to understand through the use of fare stages on our routes. We’re also making it easier for our drivers to issue change for Child products to help speed up your journey, by ensuring that no fares end in 5 pence.

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Service 266

Stane Road

To allow for works on Monday 14th November until Monday 21st November Stane Road will be closed.

During the closure all stops will be observed and the following diversions will be in operation:

Service 266 towards Shotts/Hamilton

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Due to a fire Paisley High Street has closed Service 9 will commence service from Causyside Street.

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Due to unplanned road works until Monday 14th November until the work is complete Service M3 towards Milton/City Centre will divert via Stobhill Cottages & Fyfe Way due to works at Belmont Street.

How to Claim a Refund

For on bus transactions using Apple Pay, Google Pay and contactless bank cards, please follow the below steps:

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Commemorative events will be taking place Sunday 13th November 2022 - during this time there will be rolling road closures throughout Essex.

Our bus services will be diverting as follows:


37: Brentwood High Street will be closed between the hours of 10:00 - 11:00. During this time, buses will divert (in both directions) via Weald Road, Western Road, William Hunter Road and Ongar Road.


FirstGroup has been ranked third out of the world’s 90 most influential transport companies in the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)’s 2022 Transport Benchmark, making it the top performing UK transport company in the category. 

One year on from COP26, First Bus sees its legacy ambitions come to life.

First Bus is helping UK delivery company, DPD, to carry out more green journeys in Glasgow in a milestone move which sees the transport operator’s ambitions from COP26 come to life.

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