Journey planner

Need a quick and easy way to find your bus? Check out our timetables and route maps below!

These timetables are packed with all the info you need to get from A to B. Plus, we’ve added some extra details about fares and tickets because who doesn’t love a good bargain, right?

And hey, if you’re looking for even more ways to make your journey a breeze, be sure to try our Journey Planner or our FREE First Bus App, where you can track buses in real-time and even buy tickets in advance. We’re here to make your travel as easy as possible!

Looking for school bus timetables? Find them here.


Norwich Park & Ride

Costessey Park & Ride

Interurban Services to & from Norwich

Great Yarmouth & Lowestoft

Coastal Clipper - along the east coast


Ipswich Park & Ride