Welcome to The Colne Community School & College travel page:

First Essex operates the 87 bus service which travels through Brightlingsea a convenient route for students travelling from Colchester to and from school.

The service operates, on half hourly basis*, seven days a week.

*on Sundays it operates on an hourly basis.


Welcome to The Stanway School travel page:

First Essex operates the 17 bus service which travels from West Bergholt to Stanway; a convenient route for students travelling to and from school.

There are two double-decker vehicles allocated to this route and they operate once in the morning and once in the afternoon.


Welcome to the Honywood School travel page:

First Essex operates the 320 bus service which travels through Coggeshall; a convenient route for students travelling from either Braintree or Colchester to and from school.

The service operates, on an hourly basis, seven days a week.

The current 320 timetable (part of the X20 airlink) can be found here

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Yate Road in Iron Acton will be closed overnight to service Y3 between 20:00 and 06:00 from Monday 15th August through to Friday 2nd September for resurfacing works.

This closure will only apply to the last bus in each direction.

Service Y3 heading towards Yate will operate normal route on the Bristol Road as far as the junction of Church Road then divert right down Church Road, left onto Badminton Road, left into Stover Road onto Yate Road (part unaffected) and right at the roundabout into Iron Acton Way to resume normal route.

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St. Peter's Road between Wilne Street and East Park Road is due to close from 4pm on Sunday 14 August for the Pakistan Independence Day celebrations.  During the closure Service 16 will need to divert as follows;

Towards General Hospital - normal route from Charles Street, right London Road, left Evington Road, left East Park Road, right Chesterfield Road then back to normal route. 

Towards City Centre - normal route to Chesterfield Road, left East Park Road, right Evington Road, right London Road, left Charles Street then back to normal route. 


Welcome to the Anglo European School 620 service

First Essex operates the 620 bus service transporting students to, and from, Anglo European School. 

The service operates, Monday to Friday, in-line with the AES school calendar year (and school opening and closure times). The service offers safe and reliable transport; from areas that do not otherwise have convenient public transport. 

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Closure of Park Street Falkirk commencing 20.00hrs until 06.00hrs Sunday 14th August 2022 until Tuesday 16th August 2022

Buses leaving from stops At Falkirk Asda

Great News!

Starting from Thursday 11 August, Concessionary bus pass holders can use their bus pass for free travel on the 0705, 420 service from Flaggoners Green into Worcester. 

Enjoy a day out in Worcester Monday to Friday with the bus returning back towards Flaggoners Green at 1700, from Crowngate Bus Station 


We had some great fun during welcome week and we hope you did too! Thanks to all that popped by for a chat.

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