Travelling by train and bus?

Whether you're commuting to work, going shopping or just having a day-out around the city, if your journey is by train and bus then PlusBus could be easier and cheaper. Buy a PlusBus ticket with your train ticket, at station or online.

With us you enjoy total freedom, unlimited bus and tram travel (on most/all operators services) around the whole urban area of the rail-served town or city. Buy PlusBus to start your journey (to get to a rail station) or to complete your journey (from station to your final destination). There's no peak hour restrictions, so you can hop-on and off buses and trams as much as you like all day.

Adult ticket prices start from just £2 a day. Young people and students (aged 16-25) and other National Railcard holders get 34% off day tickets and children (aged 5-16) get 50% off. For commuters we have seasons available too!

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