Here's the information you need for Christmas Eve (24th). 🎄

Check below for details on termination points and services that won't be operating on these days.

Last Service




Service 1 Danestone Castle Street 21:22
Service 1 Castle Street Garthdee/RGU 21:22
Service 1 Castle Street Danestone 21:24
Service 1 Garthdee/RGU Urquhart Road 21:48
Service 2 Inchbrae Road/RGU Urquhart Road 21:32
Service 2 Castle Street Ashwood 21:28
Service 2 Castle Street Inchbrae Road/RGU 21:07
Service 2 Ashwood Castle Street 21:10
Service 1B Guild Street Dubford 21:05
Service 1B Dubford Guild Street 20:35
Service 1B Dubford King Street Depot 21:40
Service 3 Mastrick  Guild Street 21:15
Service 3 Bridge Street Cove 21:04
Service 3 Guild Street  Mastrick 21:20
Service 3 Cove Guild Street 21:28
Service 11 Opposite St. Andrew's Cathedral Northfield 20:45
Service 11 Countesswells Park Road Opposite St. Andrew's Cathedral 21:17
Service 11 Northfield Adelphi 21:15
Service 11 Adelphi Countesswells Park Road 20:37
Service 12 Guild Street  Heathryfold 20:51
Service 12 Torry  Guild Street 21:00
Service 12 Heathryfold Guild Street 20:50
Service 12 Guild Street Torry 20:43
Service 13 Scatterburn Castle Street 21:00
Service 13 Castle Street Hillhead of Seaton 20:37
Service 13 Castle Street Golf Links 21:06
Service 13 St. Andrew's Cathedral Scatterburn 20:13
Service 13 Hillhead of Seaton St. Andrew's Cathedral 20:45
Service 15B Countesswells Close Guild Street 20:49
Service 15B Guild Street Countesswells Close 20:27
Service 18B Guild Street Dyce 21:09
Service 18B Dyce Guild Street 20:46
Service 19 Music Hall  Tillydrone 21:03
Service 19 Culter Bon Accord Centre 21:00
Service 19 Music Hall  Culter 20:43
Service 19 Tillydrone  Music Hall 20:54
Service 20 Union Terrace Gardens Hillhead of Seaton 19:22
Service 20 Hillhead of Seaton Union Terrace Gardens 19:00
Service 23 Heathryfold St. Andrew's Cathedral 21:05
Service 23 St. Andrew's Cathedral Sheddocksley 20:52
Service 23 Sheddocksley Adelphi 21:21
Service 23 Adelphi Heathryfold 21:18
Service 172 Faulds Gate Adelphi 21:00
Service 172 Adelphi Newhills 20:52
Service 172 Newhills Adelphi 21:00
Service 172 Adelphi Faulds Gate 21:03