Lost Property
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Lost Something on One of Our Buses?
You’re not alone—thousands of items of lost property are left on our buses each year. If you’ve misplaced something, we’re here to help.
Our drivers collect all lost property found on our buses and return it to their depot. It can take up to two working days for items to be registered on our system, so please bear with us.
How to Recover Your Item
The best way to get your lost property back is to complete the contact form on our Help and Support page. Select "Lost Property" and include as much detail as you can about the item.
Please don’t visit the depot without a reference number from Customer Services. Our depot staff won’t be able to assist without it.
What Happens to Lost Property?
- Storage: Most items are kept for a month to give you time to claim them.
- Perishable items: Food and other perishables aren’t stored.
- Bank cards: For your security, we securely destroy any found debit or credit cards in line with banking guidance. If you’ve lost a card, please contact your bank immediately.
If we have your item, you’ll be able to collect it from the relevant office, as agreed when you get in touch.