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We're changing some bus fares from Sunday 30th March.

From Sunday, 30th March, we’re making changes to some of our fares across south and west Wales. While some ticket prices will increase, single fares will remain frozen at £3 for adults and a maximum of £2 for children/mytravelpass holders (16–21-year-olds) when bought on the bus.

These changes come as we continue investing in our services. Over the past year, we’ve restored key routes, added extra journeys, and extended services across south Wales. We’re also committed to keeping bus travel simple, affordable, and sustainable, with Tap On Tap Off technology making it easier than ever to get the best-value fare for your journey.

What’s Changing?

  • Day tickets will increase by £1 for adults and 70p for children/mytravelpass holders.
  • Return fares will increase by between 16p and 30p for adults using Tap On, Tap Off, and by 10p to 20p for children/mytravelpass holders buying from the driver.
  • Multi-day tickets, including 3-day, 5-day, and weekly passes, will see small increases but continue to offer great value for regular travellers.
  • Pembrokeshire return fares will also change, but First Bus travel in the county remains among the most affordable in South Wales.

For a full breakdown of fare changes, see the details below.

Ticket Fare from 30th March 2025 Where to buy
Single £3.00  Tap On Tap Off* or from the driver
Return £5.70  Tap On Tap Off* or from the driver
Day £7.00  Tap On Tap Off*, from the driver or First Bus app
3-Day £17.50  From the driver
5-Day £22.80  From the driver
3 in 5 £17.50  First Bus App
5 in 7 £22.80  First Bus App
20 in 40 £80.00  First Bus App
5 in 30 £28.00  First Bus App
Week £25.00  Tap On Tap Off*, from the driver or First Bus app
Month £80.00  First Bus App
Group £17.50  From the driver or First Bus app

 * for more information on Tap On Tap Off fares, check the drop-down menu below below.

Please note that single and return fares across Pembrokeshire might differ from the above, please check the drop-down menu below for more information.

Ticket Fare from 30th March 2025 Where to buy
Single Calculated based on distance travelled. Please check the table below. From the driver
Return Calculated based on distance travelled. Please check the table below. From the driver
Day £4.70 From the driver or First Bus app
3-Day £11.60 From the driver
5-Day £15.10 From the driver
3 in 5 £11.60 First Bus App
5 in 7 £15.10 First Bus App
20 in 40 £52.80 First Bus App
5 in 30 £18.50 First Bus App
Week £16.50 From the driver or First Bus app
Month £52.80 First Bus App
Approximate distance travelled Single fare from 30th March 2025 Return fare from 30th March 2025
0-1 Miles £1.10   £2.10 
1-2 miles £1.30   £2.40 
2-3 miles £1.50   £2.80 
3-4 miles £1.70   £3.20 
4-5 miles £1.90   £3.60 
Over 5 miles £2.00   £3.80 

Please note that fares across Pembrokeshire might differ from the above, please check the drop-down menu below for more information. 

Tap On Tap Off uses contactless payments to cap our adult bus fares so you'll never pay more than the day ticket price for each day that you travel with us, no matter how many journeys you make. 

Tap On Tap Off is the most convenient way to pay. There's no need to ask the driver for a ticket; just tap when you get on and off the bus and make sure you tap the same contactless card or device each time you tap. 

You'll only pay for what you use, with single and return fares calculated based on distance.

If you make multiple journeys throughout the day, your fare will automatically cap so you never pay more than a Day ticket. The great news is, the more you travel across 7 days, the cheaper the days become.

Approximate distance travelled Single Tap On Tap Off fare from 30th March 2025 Return Tap On Tap Off fare from 30th March 2025
0-1 Miles £1.60   £3.04 
1-2 miles £1.90   £3.61 
2-3 miles £2.20   £4.18 
3-4 miles £2.50   £4.75 
4-5 miles £2.80   £5.32 
Over 5 miles £3.00   £5.70 
Adult fares are also discounted the more that you travel with us across 7 days. Here's how we'll do that.
Number of days you travel Cumulative total if you travelled every day from 30th March
1 day £7.00 
2 days £14.00 
3 days £17.50 
4 days £21.00 
5 days £22.80 
6 days £24.40 
7 days £25.00 

Please note that single and return fares across Pembrokeshire might differ from the above, please check the drop-down menu below for more information.

Travel on our Pembrokeshire services is even cheaper! All single and return fares are based on distance travelled, whether you're buying on the bus from your driver or using Tap On Tap Off.

The following fares are only valid on services 302, 322, 349, 356, 381.

For a map of the Pembrokeshire Zone, please click here.

   Adult  Child & mytravelpass
Approximate number of miles travelled Single  Return  Single  Return 
0-1 miles £1.20 £2.28 £0.80 £1.60
1-2 miles £1.50 £2.85 £1.00 £1.90
2-3 miles £1.80 £3.42 £1.20 £2.30
3-4 miles £2.00 £3.80 £1.40 £2.60
4-5 miles £2.10 £3.99 £1.40 £2.70
5-6 miles £2.50 £4.75 £1.70 £3.20
6-7 miles £2.60 £4.94 £1.80 £3.30
7-8 miles £2.90 £5.51 £2.00 £3.70
8+ miles £3.00 £5.70 £2.00 £3.80