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Due to the Queen's Baton Relay between 4pm & 5pm today, there will be disruption to services due to the road closures in Above Bar, Bargate Street, Castle Way and Commercial Road. We thank you for your patience while our services divert where necessary.

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Due to roadworks taking place on Edward Avenue Antonshill until Sunday 17th July, Service 7 will be diverted during this time to operate via King Street, and unfortunately all stops in Antonshill will not be served. 

We apologise for this short notice inconvenience which is out with our control.

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Woodbridge Road will be closed, just west of Warwick Road, On Sunday 17th July 2022 for Water repairs to take place

Eastbound services will therefore be diverted via Argyle Road, St Helen's Road and Warwick Road for the duration of the closure.

We apologise for the inconvenience to your journey

Years ago, vegan-friendly restaurants and cafes were hard to find and independent eateries catering to these dietary options were almost non-existent. Thankfully in the past few years, the vegan restaurant scene has flourished and greatly improved all over the country and especially in Yorkshire in places like York and Leeds. In York, the city of history, aside from all popular chain restaurants and eateries, their vegan scene is certainly thriving and we wanted to give you an update on all the vegan and vegetarian restaurants you need to visit in York.

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Reepham Road, Horsford has been closed until 8th July 2022 for resurfacing works near the Junction with Hall Lane. 

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Long John Hill Norwich has been closed until 1500 hours today to allow for Emergency Carriageway works.

Route 39 is therefore unable to serve Cavell Road and will be diverted, in both directions, by Mansfield Lane and Barratt Road 

We apologise for the inconvenience to your journey.

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Great News!

Services 31/31A & 32

We're pleased to confirm that following the continuation of support from Worcestershire County Council, services 31/31A & 32 will continue to operate their current timetables until 30 October 2022.

Service 37

We'll no longer be operating service 37, the last day of operation will be on Saturday 23 July 2022. 

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Service 242

New Stevenson & Holytown

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