Travel to Barclays Campus with First Bus
Plan your journey to Barclays by bus. Find out which service takes you to Barclays on our travel map below - all within short walking distance.
Use our Journey Planner ahead of your commute and view current Bus Timetables.
Ticket types
Balancing working from home with going into the office? We offer a wide range of tickets to suit your needs.
Ticket type | Ticket information |
FirstDay | Unlimited all day travel in your *zone. |
FirstWeek | Unlimited 1-week travel in your *zone. |
*Local,City or Network
New Flexible Day Ticket Bundles
Following a detailed analysis of passenger and purchasing data, our new Flexible Day Ticket bundles offer a solution to suit hybrid working and the end of the traditional commute. Better value for customers who currently purchase a weekly, or monthly ticket and do not travel every day. In new options of 3-in-7, 5-in-7, and 15-in-28 bundles!
For example, those currently purchasing a First4Week ticket who end up not travelling every day due to a hybrid working pattern, can save money by buying a 15-in-28 instead and still retain the comfort and peace of mind of buying once a month.
We’ve introduced a number of tools to help you travel with confidence. As well as our live-tracking feature, you can see how many seats are available on your bus before it arrives at your stop. Plan your journey, buy tickets in advance and track your bus in real time using the First Bus App.