Day ticket prices from 1st January 2025

Unlimited travel all day in your chosen zone. If you are often making day trips but not every day, our great value Day bundle tickets are your best options. To find out more click here.

  City Network
Adult £6.00 £9.00
Child/Young Person (0-15) £4.20 £6.30
Group £12.00 £18.00

Week ticket prices from 1st January 2025

Go anywhere in your chosen zone as often as you like for 7 consecutive days. 

  City Network
Adult £20.00 £30.00
Child/Young Person (0-15) £14.00 £21.00

Month ticket prices from 1st January 2025

Go anywhere in your chosen zone as often as you like for a whole month, e.g. if your ticket is bought on 10th of the month it will expire on the 9th of the following month. 

  City Network
Adult £75.00 £90.00
Child/Young Person (0-15) N/A £63.00