Valid from 06/01/2025 until further notice

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675: Ledbury - Great Malvern
Via Colwall
676: Ledbury - Great Malvern
Via Colwall

Monday to Friday
Service No.: 675 675 675 675 676 675 675 675
Notes: SD SH SD
Stop code: 2090A044401
---- ---- ---- ---- 1520 ---- ---- ----
Stop code: 2090A203100
---- ---- ---- ---- 1525 ---- 1550 ----
Stop code: 2090A044400
0720 0910 1110 1310 ---- 1540 1555 1715
Stop code: 2090A044302
0722 0912 1112 1312 ---- 1542 1557 1717
Stop code: 2090A18745
0726 0916 1116 1316 ---- 1546 1601 1721
Stop code: 2090A071900
0737 0927 1127 1327 1535 1557 1612 1732
Stop code: 2090A072000
0740 0930 1130 1330 1538 1600 1615 1735
Stop code: 2090A022401
0745 0935 1135 1335 1543 1605 1620 1740
Stop code: 2000G009407
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1746
Stop code: 2000G043800
0749 0939 1139 1339 1547 1609 ---- ----
Stop code: 2000G009400
0759 0949 1149 1349 1557 1619 ---- ----
SDSchool Days Only
SHSchool Holidays Only

675: Great Malvern - Ledbury
Via Colwall
676: Great Malvern - Ledbury
Via Colwall

Monday to Friday
Service No.: 676 675 675 675 675 675 675 676
Notes: SD SD SH
Stop code: 2000G009407
---- ---- ---- 1000 1200 1400 1625 1750
Stop code: 2000G743800
---- ---- ---- 1010 1210 1410 1635 1800
Stop code: 2000G009400
---- 0800 0805 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Stop code: 2090A022400
0800 0805 0810 1014 1214 1414 1639 1804
Stop code: 2090A072002
0805 0810 0815 1019 1219 1419 1644 1809
Stop code: 2090A071901
0808 0813 0818 1022 1222 1422 1647 1812
Stop code: 2090A067800
---- 0824 0829 1033 1233 1433 1658 ----
Stop code: 2090A044303
---- 0828 0833 1037 1237 1437 1702 ----
Stop code: 2090A044401
---- 0830 0835 1039 1239 1439 1704 ----
Stop code: 2090A203100
---- 0833 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Stop code: 2090A044400
0823 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1820
SDSchool Days Only
SHSchool Holidays Only