Valid from 02/09/2024 until further notice

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PR2: Temple Green Park & Ride - Leeds Circular

Monday to Friday
Service No.: PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2
Stop code: 450029813
0700 0720 0740 0800 0820 0840 0900 0920 0940 1000
Stop code: 450032250
0713 0733 0753 0813 0833 0853 0913 0933 0953 1013
Stop code: 450029813
0730 0750 0810 0830 0850 0910 0930 0950 1010 1029
Service No.: PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2
Stop code: 450029813
1020 1040 1100 1120 1140 1200 1220 1240 1300 1320
Stop code: 450032250
1033 1053 1113 1133 1153 1213 1233 1253 1313 1333
Stop code: 450029813
1049 1109 1129 1149 1209 1228 1248 1308 1328 1348
Service No.: PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2
Stop code: 450029813
1340 1400 1420 1440 1500 1520 1540 1600 1620 1640
Stop code: 450032250
1353 1413 1433 1453 1514 1534 1554 1614 1634 1654
Stop code: 450029813
1408 1429 1449 1509 1529 1549 1609 1631 1651 1711
Service No.: PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2 PR2
Stop code: 450029813
1700 1720 1740 1800 1838 1916 1954
Stop code: 450032250
1714 1734 1754 1814 1852 1930 2008
Stop code: 450029813
1732 1752 1812 1832 1910 1948 2026