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Emergency road works are taking place at Wrights Hill in Southampton.
Services 6, X4 and X5 are diverted away from Wrights Hill alone Portsmouth Road in both directions.
These works are expected to last ten days.
Service 6 will also divert alone Weston lane in both directions to enable the turning into and out of Newtown Road. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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Service X37: Closure of  B816 High Bonnybridge

Commencing Monday 11th July 2022 for a period of 2 weeks.

Due to roadworks taking place, meaning the closure of B816 To High Bonnybridge buses will be diverted after Bonnybridge Toll  to operate via Seabegs Road to Greenhill , turning at the turning point on Greenhill Road

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Between the 12 July and the 15 July the bus stop at Trinity Street, in West Street Fareham will be closed for road works in this area. A temporary stop will be placed nearby outside the Dragon Chinese takeaway. Please signal clearly to the driver at this location.

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Overnight on the 19 July 2022 from 21:00 TO 05:00 St Georges Road will be closed to all traffic
for bridge repairs. Service 3 will be diverted away from this area from the Hard interchange via Queen Street, Anglesea Road back on normal route at Kings Road roundabout. This diversion is in both directions. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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Due to the road closure between Winfrith Newburgh & Durdle Door from Tuesday 12th to Saturday 16th July 2022,

we are unable to serve any stops between Winfrith Newburgh & Durdle Door between 05:00hrs & 17:00hrs.

Our X52 & X54 bus services will therefore take the following diversions:

From Weymouth

Continue along A352 to Wool, B3071, B3070 to Lulworth Cove, then continue normal route

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We're really sorry for the inconvenience that this will cause. We're working hard to run as many journeys as possible. Please be patient with our team of drivers - it's not their fault and they're working very hard to get you where you need to go. Due to the current national driver shortage there will be some cancellations to services at short notice.

These will no longer be displayed on our website and we recommend checking our mobile app to see the status of your journey.

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Services 16 & 94

Bearsden Road

To allow for resurfacing works on Sunday 10th July until Thursday 14th July between 09:00hrs and 16:00hrs each day Bearsden Road will close.

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