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From Monday 28th November – Friday 9th December,

there are various road closures that will affect the C2 school bus in Litton Cheney.  

The bus will not serve Cox’s Lane and Main Street.

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On Saturday 26th November 2022, Lyme Regis will be closed off due to the Christmas Lights Switch on event.

This will take place between 16:45hrs > 18:30hrs

Therefore, 2 of our services will be affected, as follows:

15:37 X51 departure from Weymouth

& the

17:15 X53 departure from Axminster


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Due to an emergency closure in Turnpike Hill and Fore Street, Marazion from 24th November 2022 to 30th November 2022, the Lands’ End Coaster and U4 services will be missing out this section of the route.

All school and college runs will be turning at Marazion Filiskirk/Marazion Cemetery and then using the bypass to go between.

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Newquay Christmas Light switch on

On Friday 25th November 2022 from 19:00 to 20:00 Newquay town centre and several local roads are closed to all traffic due to the Newquay Lights Switch On event.

Bus services are diverted as follows: For

Services 91

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From Thursday 24th November until Friday 25th November the Road between Lodfin Farm and Exebridge will be closed for Openreach Works. This will affect service 25.

Buses will divert as follows:


RailAir 1 & Team Heathrow

A new very early morning journey commenced from 4 September 2022, departing Reading for Heathrow Airport at 02:46. For an introductory period, Team Heathrow (Heathrow Airport Employees) can travel for free on this new journey (valid Heathrow ID required).

Simply show your valid Heathrow ID to the coach driver. 

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On Monday 28 November Gordon Road in Gosport will be closed southbound for three days between 09:30 and 15:00. Service E1 will divert at the Gypsy Queen via Carnarvon Road, Anns Hill Road and Bury Road. This affects one bus stop called Gypsy Queen which will be closed.
Please use an alternative stop during this closure. 

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Updated City Red 13 timetable from Monday 28 November

Please note that following a request from Southampton City Council to revise the school day journey, we've provided an updated timetable which is effective from Monday 28 November 2022.

Please click here to view or download the updated City Red 13 timetable. 

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Service 21, 22 & 27 

On Saturday 26th November, Canvey Town Centre will be closed until 19:00.

There will be a normal service to Benfleet.

Service 21 will divert via Eastern Avenue and Seaview Road.

Service 22 and 27 will divert via Haystack, Futherwick Road/Eastern Esplanade and Seaview Road.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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