Our Timetables are listed below. To search for a specific route number, please type the number into the Bus Timetable Search box. Once you have found the timetable you require, choose the day of the week you want to travel to view bus times.

Timetables show main stops. For routes with a return journey, you may need to scroll down to view details.

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Results 1 - 10 of 21 found in Bristol, Bath and the West


1: Bath City Centre - Southdown Via Oldfield Park


D1: Bath - Warminster Via Bathampton, Winsley, Bradford on Avon, Trowbridge, Westbury
D1x: Bath - Trowbridge Via London Road, Batheaston, Bradford on Avon


U1: University of Bath - Oldfield Park Via Bath City Centre


2: Bath City Centre - Foxhill Via Combe Down, Mulberry Park


D2: Bath - Frome Via Hinton Charterhouse, Norton St Phillip, Rode, Beckington
D2x: Bath - Frome Via Peasedown St. John, Radstock


3: Weston - Bathford Via Upper Weston, Royal United Hospital, Bath City Centre, London Road, Batheaston


4: Weston - Odd Down Via Upper Weston, Royal United Hospital, Bath City Centre


5: Bath City Centre - Whiteway Via Lower Bristol Road, Twerton


U5: Bath City Centre - Bath Spa University Via Lower Bristol Road, Twerton


6: Bath City Centre - Fairfield Park
6a: Bath City Centre - Fairfield Park & Larkhall
7: Bath City Centre - Larkhall