• Location
    Langdykes Road
  • Effective
    30/10/2023 - 03/11/2023

Langdykes Road will be closed from 04:00 on 30 October until 17:00 on 03 November

Services 3 and 3A heading to Cove
From the 1st stop on Langdykes Road (Thistle Hotel):
• right onto Earns Heugh Road

Service 3 wll turn left onto Loirston Avenue 

• resume normal service to Cove

Service 3A continue along Earns Heugh Road and resume normal service

Service 3 heading from Cove to Wellington Road
From Earns Heugh Road:
• continue along Earns Heugh Road
• left onto Langdykes Road and resume normal service

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