• Location
    Nar Ouse Way, Kings Lynn
  • Cause
    Resurfacing and bridge repair work
  • Responsibility
    Norfolk County Council
  • Effective
    18/09/2023 - 29/09/2023


Nar Ouse Way, Kings Lynn will be closed on Monday 18th September and Tuesday 19th September, 2023 from 19:00hrs on each evening until 07:00 the following morning.

There will then be a further series of closures from Monday 25th September until Friday 29th September again closing from 19:00hrs on each evening until 07:00 the following morning. 

Excel services between these times on each of the evenings detailed above will divert via Wisbech Road and Clenchwarton Road and will be unable to serve the stop at Sandpiper Way on these evenings

Please note that the road will be open and no work will be carried out on the evenings of Saturday 23rd September and Sunday 24th September. On these evenings our services will operate their usual route.

We apologise for any inconvenience this causes to our customers.

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