• Location
  • Cause
    Half Marathon
  • Responsibility
  • Effective
    17/09/2023 - 17/09/2023


Due to the Ipswich Half Marathon taking place on Sunday 17th September, our services in Ipswich will be on diversion between 08:00 & 15:00. 

Services 65, 66, 75 & 77 will not be serving any stops in Ipswich Town Centre apart from Tower Ramparts Bus Station.
Additionally, Service 4 will need to take a diversion, meaning that it will only serve Tower Ramparts Bus Station in the Town Centre before continuing non-stop to Rose Hill ALDI, serving the normal route from there to Bixley. The same route applies for services towards the town centre. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this event will cause to your journey.

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