• Location
  • Cause
    Half Marathon
  • Responsibility
    Ipswich Borough Council
  • Effective
    01/09/2022 - 24/10/2022

Ipswich Half Marathon will be taking place on Sunday 23rd October 2022. 

Road closures will be in place from 0400hrs to 1500hrs and Services will be managed and diverted locally on the day.

Service 65,75 & 77 will need to curtail into Tower Ramparts Bus Station between 0800hrs and 1030hrs.

Service 66 will need to curtail into Tower Ramparts Bus Station until 1030hrs and will then go through to Dogs Head Street. The service will be unable to serve the Railway Station until around 1330hrs.

For further information on the Event or if you have any enquiries please visit Road Closure Information | Run For All

Disruption and Traffic delays are expected across all services and we apologise for the inconvenience to your Journey

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