• Location
    Harpsfield, Chapel Break, Bowthorpe
  • Cause
    Pedestrian crossing construction
  • Responsibility
    Norfolk County Council
  • Effective
    18/08/2023 - 18/08/2023



We have been informed that this road actually closed on Thursday 17th August and will remain closed until Monday 21st August 2023. We apologise that we were given incorrect information by Norfolk County Council Highways.

On Friday 18th August 2023 part of Harpsfield, Chapel Break will be closed to allow completion of a pedestrian/cycle crossing. This will mean that our 21, 21A and 26A services will be unable to serve Astley Road and Harpsfield and will instead operate via Chapel Break Road. A pair of temporary stops will be provided to allow passengers to board on this diversion.

We apologise to any customers affected by this diversion.

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