• Location
    A1067, between Lenwade & Bawdeswell
  • Cause
    Surface Dressing
  • Effective
    08/07/2024 - 24/07/2024

Road works   Network Norwich

Due to delayed surface dressing work, the A1067 will be closed between Lenwade & Bawdeswell from 20:00 onwards on Monday 8th July, Monday 15th July & Tuesday 23rd July.

We have no safe, approved diversion routes to use to avoid this closure within the timetable of this service, so services will unfortunately need to be curtailed along the route to avoid the closure.

The last bus between Norwich & Fakenham will be 18:00 from St Stephens Street.
The last bus between Norwich & Bawdeswell (on request) will be 19:20 from St Stephens Street.
The last bus between Norwich & Taverham will continue to be the 22:50 from St Stephens Street.

The last bus between Fakenham & Norwich will be the 19:25 from Oak Street.
The last bus between Taverham & Norwich will be 21:19, starting from Beech Avenue.


We apologise for the disruption that these unavoidable closures will have on your journey.

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