St Stephens Street, Norwich - Reopening and new city centre bus stops - from 4th October 2022
As a result of the completion of the redevelopment of St Stephens Street, being carried out as part of the Transforming Cities scheme, bus stands in the city centre will change from Tuesday 4th October 2022.
The process of reopening St Stephens Street will take place over a number of days as various essential tasks are carried out prior to bus stops being fully opened to passengers. Although potentially subject to change at short notice, the arrangements planned for this process are as follows:
Monday 3rd October
- all services will continue to use the temporary stops that have been in place since January 2021. During the day the publicity and signage at these bus stops will be changed and therefore could differ from the services stopping there.
Tuesday 4th October
- all day - all services will use their new bus stands on Castle Meadow, Red Lion Street and Rampant Horse Street/Theatre Street*. Full details of new city centre bus stop locations for all services can be found here, or downloaded as a PDF here.
- from approx midday - St Stephens Street will reopen for buses. Bus stands on St Stephens Street will remain out of use.
Wednesday 5th October
- all bus stops on St Stephens will be brought into use.
Full details of new city centre bus stop locations for all services can be found here, or downloaded as a PDF here
*Charcoal Line buses will continue to operate from Norwich Bus Station on Tuesday 4th October