• Location
  • Responsibility
    First Bus
  • Effective
    05/01/2025 - 31/03/2025

Changes to your local services

We regular review our services and sometimes we need to make changes to better reflect current traffic levels, journey times and provide timetables that are better suited to customer needs.

Here's a summary of the changes from Sunday 5th January 2025,

View the new timetables by clicking >> here

Service 4: Centre Centre - Rushey Mead

There will be some minor timetable changes to help keep buses to run on time.

Service 15: City Centre - Goodwood

There will be some minor timetable changes to help keep buses to run on time

Service 17: City Centre - Highfields 

We have added in an additional stop and this service will now serve Haymarket Bus Station, stand HZ, this will provide easier access to further connections.  There will be no changes to the timetable, all journeys will start and end at the Haymarket Bus Station.  The stops on Humberstone Gate and Charles Street will still be served. 

Service 21: City Centre - Thurmaston

There will be some minor timetable changes to help buses run on time.

Services 25/26: City Centre - Mowmacre Hill

 There will be a new timetable introduced across the whole week and Saturdays to help buses run on time.

There are no changes to the timetable on Sunday.

Service 54: City Centre - Beaumont Centre

There will be a new timetable introduced on Saturdays to help buses run on time.  There are no changes to the timetable during the weekday and on Sundays.

Service 74: City Centre - Anstey 

There will be some minor timetable changes on Saturday to help keep buses to run on time.

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