From rugby training to football trials, getting to gigs to getting your freedom back, discovering your passion or finding your perfect career... we're shining a spotlight on some of the incredible and inspiring stories of our customers over the years as they share their #FirstBusFirsts!

Jacqueline's First Bus First

Love is in the air! Find out how catching the bus to a gig led to Jacqueline meeting the love of her life.
John and Jacqueline have been together for over 20 years now and credit the bus as being a huge part of their journey. To this day they still use the bus to get to different gigs across the city and fondly remember the day they met!

Sarah's First Bus First

Sarah caught the bus every day to help her get to and from university with her friends where she studied fine art. Years down the line she uses her talent to create new art almost every day, including some big commissions! She's grateful to all of the bus drivers who helped her get to where she needed to be over the years.

Joshua's First Bus First

In August 2017, one of Joshua's biggest dreams came true when he was invited for a tour of our Leeds-based bus depot! Joshua, who was eight years old at the time and has learning difficulties, has had a passion for buses from a very young age. This year we invited Joshua and his mum, Kate, back to our depot to talk to them about their #FirstBusFirsts and take them on another exciting tour through our facilities, including a bus wash!

Dave's First Bus First

Listen to the story of Dave Morrell, who has used a wheelchair since a stroke six years ago, as he explains he was “very nervous” when he took his first bus trip, concerned how he would get on, the reaction of other passengers and if he would get any help boarding. In previous years, Dave was among a group of bus users with disabilities that advised First Bus on a change to hand poles and the position of stop buttons on new double-decker buses, which are now standard specification on First Bus orders. Since 2019 some 200 buses across West Yorkshire have this design. “The bus is basically my freedom. I can go wherever I want to go, when I want to go. I always feel confident, safe and looked after.”

Caitlin's First Bus First

Listen to Caitlin Beevers, professional Rugby League player for Leeds Rhinos and England Womens, recall the regular bus trips and the camaraderie and laughter she enjoyed when travelling with team-mates from college to rugby training.

Ryan & Arnie Sidebottom's First Bus First

Find out how getting the bus to his first football trial changes Arnie Sidebottom's life and how important the bus was to the career he enjoyed at the highest level in two different sports; football for Manchester United and cricket for both Yorkshire and England.

For Arnie, the bus trips were also precious moments with his son, Ryan; "To go on the bus to a match was a fantastic day out for both of us".

Yorkshire and England bowling legend, Ryan Sidebottom, recalls being a nine-year-old going to a football match for the first time with his dad, Arnie.

Have an exciting or inspiring story you'd like to share?

Let us know by sharing your story on X (Twitter) and using #FirstBusFirsts