• Location
    Heath Road, Eight Ash Green
  • Cause
    Road Closure
  • Responsibility
    Essex Highways
  • Effective
    12/12/2023 - 14/12/2023

Services 83-83B-88B

Heath Road, Eight Ash Green will be closed to traffic from Tuesday 12th December - Thursday 14th December at all times.

During this closure the 83-83B-88B services will be diverted:

Towards Halstead - From Halstead Road continues past Spring Lane, right into Wood Lane , Fiddlers Hill and return to line of route.

Towards Colchester - From Wood Lane, past Heath Road, left onto Halstead Road and return to line of route.

During this diversion the following stops will not be served:

  • The Walk
  • Huxtable Lane
  • The Cricketers
  • Heath Cottages
  • Wood Lane

Nearest stop will be:

  • Beech Grove, Wood Lane

We apologise for the disruption to your bus journey.

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