• Location
    Harwich Road, Colchester
  • Cause
    Road Closure
  • Responsibility
    Essex County Council
  • Effective
    11/01/2024 - 12/01/2024

Service 102

Harwich Road, Colchester will be closed to traffic from 11th - 12th January between 19:30  -005:00, the 102 Service will be unable to serve Harwich Road and will be diverted:

Towards Harwich - From East Hill left into Ipswich Road, right onto St. Andrews Road and return to line of route onto Ipswich Road.

Towards Colchester - This will be the same diversion in reverse.

Th following stop will not be served during this diversion:

  • Greenstead Road

We apologise for the disruption to your bus journey.

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