• Location
  • Cause
    Ride London
  • Effective
    28/05/2023 - 29/05/2023

Ride London cycle event takes place through Chelmsford on Sunday 28th May 2023 between the hours of 06:00 to 15:30hrs.  Please see below for details on services affected: 

Service C2

Chignal Road junction with Melbourne Avenue will be closed from 06:00hrs to 15:30hrs.

Service C2 will not be able to serve the following roads due to closure for the race between the following times 06:00hrs to 15:30hrs:

  • Chignal Road
  • Trent Road
  • Avon Road

Towards Chelmsford

Buses will divert via Copperfield Road, Nickelby Road, Copperfield Road, Oliver Way, Melbourne Avenue and Queensland Crescent.

Towards Broomfield Hospital

Buses will divert via Queensland Crescent, Melbourne Avenue, left at the Red Beret into St Nazaire Road, Copperfield Road, Nickleby Road and Copperfield Road to continue line of route.

Service C4 

Service C4 will not be able to serve the following roads due to closure for the race between the following times 06:00hrs to 15:30hrs:

  • The Green Writtle 
  • Ongar Road 
  • Chequers Road 
  • Lodge Road 

Service will divert from Bridge Street into Lodge Road, Margaretting Road and picking up line of route from Lodge Road Loves Walk.

Service 42A

Service 42A will not be able to serve the following roads between the following times 06:00hrs to 15:30hrs:

  • Great Waltham 
  • Warners Farm
  • Dunmow Road B1008 
  • Ford End B1008 
  • Barnston B1008 

Service will divert via A131 to Braintree then pick up the A120 coming off at Dunmow (in both direction).

Service X30

Service X30 will not be able to serve the following roads due to road closures between the following times 06:00hrs to 15:30hrs:

  • Essex Regiment way B1008 
  • Dunmow Road B1008 
  • Ford End B1008 
  • Barnston B1008 

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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