• Location
    Colchester City
  • Cause
    Colchester Half Marathon
  • Effective
    04/05/2023 - 22/05/2023

The Colchester Half Marathon is taking place on Sunday 21st May 2023 between 8:30am until `12:30pm.

Route Diversions

08:45 – 09:30 Service 2A towards Horksley will divert from North Station via the A134 Northern Approach.

09:00 – 10:30 North Station Road, North Hill and Colchester High Street will be the main closure. Services heading towards Highwoods to use Balkerne Hill.

* Services that are diverted via Balkerne Hill to serve Osborne Street first to drop off and pick up passengers.

* Services that use East Hill will divert from Osborne Street using Stanwell Street, Southway, and Magdalen Street.

* Some services may come to a rolling road closure between Horksley/Highwoods and North Station. The road closures will be lifted within 15 minutes from when the closures begin.

* Services that terminate in Osborne Street that use the High Street are to use Southway to access Osborne Street

These closures may open earlier depending on how quickly the runners get through the race. 

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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