• Location
    North Station Road, Colchester
  • Cause
    Road Closure
  • Responsibility
    Essex County Council
  • Effective
    11/12/2023 - 13/12/2023

All Colchester North Station bound services

North Station Road will be closed to traffic from 11th December - 13th December between 20:00 - 05:00

During this closure all services heading to and from Colchester North Station will be diverted:

Towards North Station - From Middleborough, Westway (A134), Colne Bank (A133) and return to line of route.

Towards City Centre - From The Albert roundabout, Westway (A134), Middleborough and return to line of route.

Please Note - all stops will be served as normal during this diversion.

We apologise for the disruption to your bus journey.

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