• Location
  • Cause
    York Pride March
  • Effective
    01/06/2024 - 02/06/2024

The following diversions will be in place between the hours of 10:30am and 15:00pm due to the York Pride march on Saturday 1st June.

Services 3, 4 & 59:

  • Terminate on Station Road using Lendal Gyratory to return
  • Bus stops not served: Rougier Street, Micklegate, Tower Street and Clifford Street

Service 7:

  • Diversion to Fishergate, Piccadilly, St Deny’s, Piccadilly then normal route from Fishergate
  • Bus stops not served: Clifford Street, Rougier Street, York Station and Nunnery Lane

Service 9:

  • Terminate on Stonebow using St Denny’s to return
  • Bus stops not served: Rougier Street, York Station and Nunnery Lane

Service 10:

  • From Stamford Bridge: normal route to Piccadilly, Stonebow, Lord Mayors Walk, Gillygate, Lendal Bridge and Leeman Road. Use reverse route towards Stamford Bridge
  • Bus stops not served: Low Ousegate and Rougier Street
  • No additional bus stops

Service 11:

  • Using Sim Balk Lane and Tadcaster Road in both directions
  • Bus stops not served: Nunnery Lane, Bishopthorpe Road and Bishopthorpe Main Street Post Office
  • Additional bus stops: Sim Balk Lane

Service 6:

  • University to Clifton Moor: Normal route to Layerthorpe then diversion via Lords Mayors Walk, Gillygate, Lendal Gyratory onto normal route
  • Clifton Moor to University: Normal route until Lendal Gyratory then return via Lendal, Exibition Square Gillygate, Lords Mayors Walk, Monkton Road and Fossbank. Normal route from Layerthorpe
  • Bus stops not served: Stonebow, Low Ousegate and Rougier Street
  • Additional bus stop: Station Road

Service 67:

  • Normal route to Piccadilly, terminating at Merchantgate with a wait time in St Dennys to return to Merchantgate
  • Bus stops not served: Rougier Street, York Station and Nunnery Lane
  • No additional bus stops

Service 66:

  • Normal route to Fishergate then diversion via Piccadilly, Coppergate, Clifford Street, Fishergate loop and Piccadilly
  • Normal route to University
  • Bus stops not served: Rougier Street, York Station and Nunnery Lane
  • No additional bus stops
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