• Location
    Askham Lane/Ridgeway
  • Cause
  • Responsibility
  • Effective
    30/05/2023 - 31/05/2023

Please note that Askham Lane / Ridgeway will be closed on Tuesday 30th May until Wednesday 31st May. 

Diversion route:

  • Service 1 - Normal to Acomb Shops, then Acomb Green, Wetherby Road, Ridgeway both directions
  • Service 5A - Normal route to Beck field Lane then, Acomb Green, Front Street, Green Lane, using Roundabout to return then Green Lane, Front Street, Acomb Green
  • Service 5 - Normal route to Danebury Drive Then as above

Stops not served:

  • Front Street, Ridgeway, in both directions

Additional stops:

  • Service 5/5a - Green Lane in both directions
  • Service 1 - Saint Aidan’s Church Ridgeway
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