Valid from 13/05/2024 until further notice

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481: Moorends - McAuley School

Monday to Friday
Service No.: 481
Notes: SD
Stop code: 370045294
Stop code: 370045331
Stop code: 370045266
Stop code: 370041139
Stop code: 370041008
Stop code: 370045838
SDSchooldays only

481: McAuley School - Moorends
481a: Stainforth - McAuley School
481a: McAuley School - Stainforth

Monday to Friday
Service No.: 481a 481a 481
Notes: SD SD SD
Stop code: 370045838
---- 1422 1430
Stop code: 370045145
---- 1436 1441
Stop code: 370041139
---- ---- 1453
Stop code: 370045265
---- ---- 1500
Stop code: 370040596
---- ---- 1510
Stop code: 370045946
---- ---- 1520
Stop code: 370045344
---- 1448 ----
Stop code: 370045354
---- 1454 ----
Stop code: 370040549
0655 1500 ----
Stop code: 370045355
0701 ---- ----
Stop code: 370046746
0707 ---- ----
Stop code: 370041008
0722 ---- ----
Stop code: 370045838
0737 ---- ----
SDSchooldays only