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Our Timetables are listed below. To search for a specific route number, please type the number into the Bus Timetable Search box. Once you have found the timetable you require, choose the day of the week you want to travel to view bus times.
Timetables show main stops. For routes with a return journey, you may need to scroll down to view details.
You can choose to view and print your timetable in standard or large print pdf format. Or you can personalise the timetable to display your start and end point and to show only the services for a specific time of day.
Results 31 - 2 of 2 found in South Yorkshire
355: Doncaster - Rossington Circular
355h: Doncaster - Rossington Circular
356: Doncaster - Rossington Circular
HC1: Doncaster - Harrison CVollege
View Monday to Friday timetable for route 355/355h/356/HC1 Valid from 24/02/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route 355/355h/356/HC1
View Saturday timetable for route 355/355h/356/HC1 Valid from 01/03/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route 355/355h/356/HC1
View Sunday timetable for route 355/355h/356/HC1 Valid from 02/03/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route 355/355h/356/HC1
385a: Doncaster - Moorlands Prison
View Sunday timetable for route 385a Valid from 02/03/2025 until further noticeDownload PDF version of timetable for route 385a
Travel Alerts
272 - Bradwell Gap
Bradwell Gap has been blocked by badly parked cars.
Services are to omit Bradwell and continue straight on Stretfield Road.
X3 - Dale Road (UPDATED)
Dale Road in Conisborough has been closed for emergency utility works.
Diversion via Popular and Chestnut Grove in both directions.
*UPDATED* 12/03
The junction with Castle Hill is now clear, therefore the Diversion via Chestnut and Popular Grove will be OUTBOUND to Sheffield ONLY.
52a, 780, 782 784 & 787 - Crookes Road (CLEAR)
Crookes Road has been closed inbound by unannounced Yorkshire Water works.
52a :
Service diverted via South Road, Howard Road, Barber Road, Crookes Valley Road, Winter Street & Bolsover Street (95 route) to Brookhill roundabout, Broad Lane and Mappin Street on Sunday the 9th of March, service will then pick up the West Street diversion instead of Mappin Street
780, 782 & 787 AM :
Services diverted via Crookes, Lydgate Lane, Manchester Road, Sandygate road, Watt Lane, Darwin Lane, Tapton Park road & Fulwood Road.
Information on one.network suggests works will complete by 12th March.
UPDATE: Services have resumed to a normal line of route.
MAN4 Service - Rotherham Road
Rotherham Road, Eckington crossroads has been closed by unannounced DCC works.
Services affected: MAN4
Diversion as follows, until further notice:
Services diverted via Halfway roundabout, Rotherham Road, Windmill Greenway, Sheffield Road & Eckington crossroads in both directions.
UPDATED 11/03:
Windmill Greenway is also closed for unannounced works.
Services now diverted between Mosborough crossroads & Eckington crossroads directly along Sheffield in both directions.
Information on one.network suggests works will complete by 12th March.
76, 76A, 76E services - Abbey Lane
Abbey Lane will be closed for road works over night.
10th - 12th March, 1900-0500, for two nights
Services affected: 76, 76a & 76e
Diversions as follows, in both directions:
Chesterfield Road, Meadowhead, Meadowhead roundabout, Greenhill Main Road, Greenhill Avenue & Bocking Lane.
75 Service - Dyche Lane
Dyche Lane will be closed road works, over night.
10th - 12th March, 1900-0500 for two nights
Services affected: 75
Diversions as follows:
OUTBOUND services:
To operate as normal to Meadowhead roundabout, then via Bochum Parkway, Norton roundabout to terminate at St James Retail Park.
INBOUND services:
To commence from Bochum Parkway (without serving Jordanthorpe or Batemoor).
Eckington Crossroads - MAN4
Due to unannounced road works, Eckington Crossroads is closed until further notice.
Service MAN4: Services are diverted via Halfway Roundabout, Rotherham Road, Windmill Greenway, Sheffield Road, Eckington Crossroads.
Works are expected to be completed on the 12th of March.
*UPDATED* 52A, 780, 782 & 787 - Crookes Road
Crookes Road has been closed inbound by unannounced Yorkshire Water works.
52a diverted via South Road, Howard Road, Barber Road, Crookes Valley Road, Winter Street & Bolsover Street (95 route) to Brookhill roundabout.
Services 780, 782 & 787 AM diverted via Crookes, Lydgate Lane, Manchester Road, Sandygate Road, Watt Lane , Darwin Lane, Tapton Park road & Fulwood Road.
Information on one.network suggests works will complete by 12th March.
95A, 95B - West Street, Sothall
95a & 95b Services - Friday 7th and Wednesday 12th March (0700-1900) for two days
West Street, Sothall will be closed for resurfacing works.
Services diverted directly along Robin Lane in both directions (not serving Queens Road or High Street.
47, 48 - Gleadless Road
47 & 48 Services - Tuesday 11th March (1900-0500) for one night
Gleadless Road, Newfield Green, between Daresbury Road and The Blackstock will be closed for resurfacing works.
47 & 48 Services diverted via Charlotte Road, Queen’s Road, Myrtle Road, Prospect Road, Spencer Road, Richards Road, Gleadless Road, Abney Road, Callow Road, Blackstock Road, Constable Road, Raeburn Road in both directions.