Services 15, 25, 28A & 54 Service Disruption - please view detail here.
Valid from 02/09/2024 until further notice
B1: Penlea Estate - Sydenham Estate (Buses Of Somerset)
Via Bridgwater Bus Station
Service No.: | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 |
Notes: | |||||||
Stop code: 3600SOA14171
0935 | 1035 | 1135 | 1235 | 1335 | 1435 | 1535 |
Stop code: 3600SOA10373
0938 | 1038 | 1138 | 1238 | 1338 | 1438 | 1538 |
Stop code: 3600SOA10356
0948 | 1048 | 1148 | 1248 | 1348 | 1448 | 1548 |
Stop code: 3600SOA14161
0952 | 1052 | 1152 | 1252 | 1352 | 1452 | 1552 |
Stop code: 3600SOA14161
0955 | 1055 | 1155 | 1255 | 1355 | 1455 | 1555 |
Stop code: 3600SOA56518
0959 | 1059 | 1159 | 1259 | 1359 | 1459 | 1559 |
Stop code: 360000061
1001 | 1101 | 1201 | 1301 | 1401 | 1501 | 1601 |
Stop code: 360000028
1002 | 1102 | 1202 | 1302 | 1402 | 1502 | 1602 |
Stop code: 360000046
1005 | 1105 | 1205 | 1305 | 1405 | 1505 | 1605 |
B1: Sydenham Estate - Penlea Estate (Buses Of Somerset)
Via Bridgwater Bus Station
Service No.: | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 | B1 |
Notes: | ||||||||
Stop code: 360000028
0902 | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
Stop code: 360000046
0907 | 1007 | 1107 | 1207 | 1307 | 1407 | 1507 | 1607 |
Stop code: 3600SOC30638
0910 | 1010 | 1110 | 1210 | 1310 | 1410 | 1510 | 1610 |
Stop code: 3600SOC30658
0914 | 1014 | 1114 | 1214 | 1314 | 1414 | 1514 | 1614 |
Stop code: 3600SOC30654
0917 | 1017 | 1117 | 1217 | 1317 | 1417 | 1517 | 1617 |
Stop code: 3600SOA14161
0919 | 1019 | 1119 | 1219 | 1319 | 1419 | 1519 | 1619 |
Stop code: 3600SOA14161
0921 | 1021 | 1121 | 1221 | 1321 | 1421 | 1521 | ---- |
Stop code: 3600SOA10335
0925 | 1025 | 1125 | 1225 | 1325 | 1425 | 1525 | ---- |
Stop code: 3600SOA14171
0933 | 1033 | 1133 | 1233 | 1333 | 1433 | 1533 | ---- |
Travel Alerts
25, 28 - Norton Fitzwarren
Road Closure - Norton Fitzwarren
Norton Fitzwarren will be closed 24th March - 28th March
Due to a road closed on the B3227 between 18:30 and 00.00 we are unable to serve Norton Fitwarren
Service 25 and 28 will go through Cotford St Luke via he A358 only after 18:30.
UPDATE 14:00 [26/03/25]
Please be advised that Wessex Water have confirmed that these works will finish at midnight tonight [26/03/25].
Therefore, services will operate normal route from 27th March 2025.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these works
22/22A/22B/X22 - Blackdown Garden Centre
There will be roadworks (temporary traffic lights) at Blackdown Garden Centre until July 2025, this will cause delays to the service.
21/21A - Dunball Roundabout
There will be roadworks (lane closures) at Dunball roundabout until December 2025, causing significant delays to services in the area.