• Location
    Littleton Hill Somerton
  • Cause
    wesWessex Water to carry out work
  • Responsibility
    Wessex Water Works
  • Effective
    16/11/2022 - 16/11/2022

Service 77 Littleton Hill Somerton

On Wednesday 16th June from 0800 to 1700, the B3151 at Littleton Hill will be closed for Wessex Water Works to carry out work.

All Services to divert as follows:

Towards Somerton

At Collards Hill buses will turn LEFT onto Reynalds Way and follow the road to the cross Roads. Here they will turn RIGHT onto the B3153 towards Somerton, then turning LEFT and resume their normal route along the B3151.

Towards Glastonbury

Buses will travel along the B3151 and then turn RIGHT onto the B3153. They will then travel up to the crossroads and turn LEFT onto Reynalds Way and follow th road down to Collards Hill where the will resume their normal line of route.

Please note that NO services will serve Compton Dundon or Littleton.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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