• Location
    Mantle Street in Wellington.
  • Cause
    Road closure
  • Effective
    17/08/2023 - 23/08/2023

On Thursday the 17th of August to Wednesday the 23rd of August, between 06:45 and 17:00, there will be a closure along Mantle Street in Wellington.

This will affect the 22 and X22 service.

Buses will be diverting as follows:

Services will divert from Wellington town centre and turn left into South Street.  They will then go over the two mini roundabouts, take Hoyles road turn on and follow the road to the end. Then they will turn right onto Wellington the bypass, take the second exit on the roundabout towards Rockwell Green. Here they will wait their time.

On the return trip, buses will turn right into Bagley green, left at the end, and follow same route as in reverse.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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