• Location
  • Cause
  • Effective
    19/12/2022 - 19/12/2022

On Monday 19th December from 08:00 to 23:59, North Street, Williton is closed for Gas works.

This will affect service 28.

Buses will divert as follows:

Towards Watchet

All services well travel via the A39 to Tropiquaria. They will then take the B3190 to Five Bells where they will resume their normal line of route.

Towards Taunton

From Five Bells, buses will travel along the B3190 to Tropiquaria. They will then take the A39 and then resume their normal line of route.

Please note that NO buses will be able to serve North Street.

Passengers for Williton will be picked up / dropped off at Gliddons.

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