• Location
    Bishopsfield Road and Longfield Avenue X5. Bishopsfield Road and Longmynd Drive 28A
  • Cause
    Road closure at Bishopsfield Road.
  • Responsibility
    Local authority.
  • Effective
    25/07/2022 - 29/08/2022

Updated from 12th August.

Bishopsfield Road has reopened earlier than scheduled and routes X5 and 28 are now back on to normal routes.

Bishopsfield Road, Fareham.

Services X5 & 28A

Towards Stubbington and Whitley only.

Monday 25th July for 5 weeks.

24 Hours.

Services X5 & 28A

Due to Bishopsfield Road being closed, services X5 towards Stubbington and Gosport also the 28A  towards Titchfield and Whitley are being diverted. The diversion will be via:
The Avenue and Peak Lane.
Passengers are advised to use alternative stops for the duration of this closure.

Nearest alternative stops will be at either;
Fareham Collage A27, St Just or Peak Lane.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
The dates and or times of these works may change at short notice by the contractor.

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