• Location
    Lyme Regis
  • Cause
    Carols around the Christmas Tree
  • Responsibility
    Dorset Council
  • Effective
    22/12/2022 - 23/12/2022

On the 22nd & 23rd of December 2022, at 19:00 > 20:15,  Lyme Regis will be closed due to the:

Carols around the Christmas Tree event.

This ONLY affects the 17:25 X53 departures from Weymouth on Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd December 2022.

Outbound Journey will be as follows:

Bus takes normal route to Charmouth Wood Farm, then takes the 2nd exit at Charmouth Roundabout on to the A35, then turns left at Hunters Lodge on to the B3165. At the end of the B3165, bus then turns right on to Pound Street, & then continues route as normal towards Talbot Arms.

We will be unable to serve the following outbound stops:

Ferhill Hotel, Golf Club, Frosts Corner, Football Ground, Anning Road or The Square bus stops.

Inbound bus stops will be unaffected.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused to your travel arrangements.

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