X52 & X54 Closure of Winfrith Newburgh & West Lulworth
Jurassic Coasters
LocationWinfrith Newburgh & Durdle Door
CauseRoad maintenance and resurfacing works
ResponsibilityDorset Council
Effective12/07/2022 - 16/07/2022
Due to the road closure between Winfrith Newburgh & Durdle Door from Tuesday 12th to Saturday 16th July 2022,
we are unable to serve any stops between Winfrith Newburgh & Durdle Door between 05:00hrs & 17:00hrs.
Our X52 & X54 bus services will therefore take the following diversions:
From Weymouth
Continue along A352 to Wool, B3071, B3070 to Lulworth Cove, then continue normal route
From Poole/Monkey World
Normal route to Lulworth Cove, then B3070, B3071 to Wool, then A352 to Winfrith Red Lion, then continue normal route
Journey times extended by up to 20 minutes each direction
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to your travel arrangements.
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