• Location
    Norfolk Road, Westham
  • Cause
    Overlay road works
  • Responsibility
    Jurassic Fibre
  • Effective
    01/08/2022 - 03/08/2022

Service 3: August 1st to August 3rd 2022

We are unable to serve any outbound stops between 'The Rock' on Newstead Road

and Hereford Road, due to the road closure on Norfolk Road.

Therefore, the Service 3 bus will take the following diversion:

Normal route to ‘The Rock’ stop on Newstead Road.

Bus then goes straight across at the traffic lights and continues along Newstead Road and Goldcorft Road

until it reaches Chafey’s Roundabout. Bus then takes the 1st exit on to B3157 Granby Way.

Bus then takes the 1st exit at Wessex Roundabout on to Radipole Lane, and then continues it’s route as normal towards Weymouth.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused to your travel arrangements.

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