• Location
    Weymouth Avenue, Dorchester
  • Cause
    Manhole cover being replaced
  • Responsibility
    Wessex Water
  • Effective
    15/12/2022 - 15/12/2022

Information for service 10 Customers:

On Thursday December 15th 2022, 

From 19:00 > 23:00,

Weymouth Avenue in Dorchester will be temporarily closed

in order to allow Wessex Water to fix a damaged manhole cover.

Outbound diversion route:

Bus takes normal route to Queens Avenue bus stop.

Bus then turns left at the traffic lights on to the B3147,

then takes the 2nd left at next set the traffic lights on to the B3144.

Bus then turns right at the next set of traffic lights on to Williams Avenue.

Bus then turns left at the next set of traffic lights,

and then continues its journey as normal towards Poundbury.

Inbound diversion route:

Bus takes normal route to Dorchester Hospital inbound stop.

Bus then turns right on to Williams Avenue.

At the end of Williams Avenue, the bus turns left on to the B3144,

then turns right at the traffic lights on to the B3147.

Bus then turns right at the next set of traffic lights on to Weymouth Avenue,

and then continues its route as normal towards Weymouth.

Note: We are unable to serve:

Brewery Square, Trinity Street, Top ‘O’ Town,

The Museum or Acland Road bus stops.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused to your travel arrangements.

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