• Location
    Swannery Bridge Junction, Weymouth
  • Cause
    Carriageway maintenance works
  • Responsibility
  • Effective
    25/09/2022 - 01/10/2022

From: Sunday 25th September > Saturday 1st October Swannery Bridge Junction will be closed from 21:00hrs > 06:00hrs ONLY.

(NOTE: this closure also coincides with the closure of the Town Bridge – therefore ALL 3’s & 8’s will be departing from K5 @ the King’s Statue w/ef from Monday 26th September 2022.)

This closure will affect all service 1’s, 3’s, 8’s & X53’s travelling between 21:00hrs > 06:00hrs.


Bus will depart from the King’s Statue and take the service 10 route as far as Morrisons. Bus will then take the 1st exit at Manor Roundabout, then the 1st exit at Chafey’s Roundabout, & then continue along the Weymouth Way until reaching the traffic lights at Swannery Bridge. Bus then goes straight over at the traffic lights and then continues route as normal towards its destination.


At the Swannery Bridge traffic lights, the bus goes straight over at the lights, down the Weymouth Way, then takes the 4th exit at Chafey’s Roundabout, then the 3rd exit at Manor Roundabout, & then takes the Service 10 route down to the King’s Statue.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused to your travel arrangements.

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