• Location
    Beaminster Square
  • Cause
    Road Closure
  • Responsibility
    Southern Gas Network SGN
  • Effective
    03/04/2023 - 07/04/2023

Please be advised that due to the closure of Hogshill Street in Beaminster the service 6 will be on a diversion route for 5 days starting from 3rd April.

The through to Yeovil service 6 will not be able to service Fire Station, St Mary's Gardens, St James or Broadwindsor.

The service 6 will be unable to service Monmouth Gardens.

The service 6 outbound from Beaminster Square will stop opposite the Red Lion Pub to allow customers to get on or off the bus. 

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause or any delay to your journey.

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