• Location
    The Street, Charmouth
  • Cause
    Charmouth Challenge Event
  • Responsibility
  • Effective
    02/07/2022 - 02/07/2022

Services affected:

LPR – 10:02 departure from Honeyfields to Charmouth Church *CANCELLED*

LPR – 10:16 departure from Charmouth Church to Honeyfields *CANCELLED*

X53 – 09:45 departure from Bridport to Axminster – bus takes usual route until Morcombelake, then continuing along the A35 (avoiding Charmouth all together) until bus reaches the Fernhill Hotel. Waiting time at Fernhill Hotel.

X53 – 9:15 departure from Axminster to Bridport – usual route to Fernhill Hotel, then continuing along the A35 (avoiding Charmouth all together) until bus reaches Morcombelake. Waiting time at Morcombelake.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused to your travel arrangements.

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