• Location
    Chedington Lane
  • Cause
    Road works
  • Responsibility
    Dorset Council
  • Effective
    21/11/2022 - 25/11/2022

From: Monday 21st > Friday 25th November 2022

School bus service B4 will take a slight diversion due to essential road works taking place by Dorset Council.

AM Journey to Beaminster School: Normal route along the A356, then South Perrott, Lecher Lane, A3066, then normal route from Mosterton towards Beaminster School.

PM Journey from Beaminster School: Normal route to Mosterton. A3066, Lecher Lane, South Perrott, A356, then normal route.

Note: Beaminster school have already been made aware of this diversion. We have been advised that they have also made the students aware who are affected. The local authority has also been made aware.

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