I'd like to make a complaint
We know we don’t always manage to get it right for our customers and there are occasions when things go wrong and we disappoint you.
If you want to make a formal complaint and get a personal response, we aim to make that as easy as possible for you too. We’ll listen to you and do everything we can to put things right. Please call us on 0345 646 0707. Our lines are open from 9am to 5pm Mon-Fri. Our quieter times are usually between 11am and 3pm so you may prefer to call then as there will be less of a wait to speak to one of our Customer Support Agents who will be happy to listen to you.
We will always try to make sure that you only need to contact us once to resolve your issue but if we need to investigate, we will work hard to get a response to you within 7 days. If it’s a more complex investigation, this could take us up to 14 days. If we need to investigate, we will always give you a case reference number to quote if you contact us again so that the agent you speak to can quickly find the information they need to update you. You can feel confident that our agents will always be polite and do as much as they can to help you.
If you have experienced an incident with one of our buses, then please make a note of the bus number which is a 5 digit number and can be found on the front and back of our buses and near the driver inside the bus. This will help us to access any CCTV on the bus more quickly which may help with any investigation.
If you prefer, you can fill out the contact form here instead. We will get back to you as soon as we can but please be aware that it could take up to 14 days to look into your complaint and respond to you.
If you’re not happy with our response to your complaint, then our escalations team and our Customer Services Manager will take a look at your complaint and the response we’ve given you to make sure that we’ve done everything we can to resolve it. We always aim to resolve our customer complaints directly but if you’re not happy with our final response under the ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution under the Consumer Rights Act, you can contact Bus Users UK who will try to help you get a satisfactory outcome. Bus Users UK represents bus passengers. They aim to help communication between bus users and the people that provide your bus service. You can contact them by going to www.bususers.org. Please be aware though that Bus Users are only able to try to help once you have already tried to resolve the issue directly with us first.