• Location
    Clacton Road (Little Oakley)
  • Cause
  • Effective
    15/06/2023 - 16/06/2023

Services 102/104

Clacton Road (Little Oakley) is closed from 15th June until 16th June between the hours of 08:00 – 18:00.

We have access granted for this road closure.  However road works have become unsafe, and we have been refused access for 48 hours in effect as of now.

Towards Harwich:

Buses will divert via Harwich Road (Wix). Oakley Road bus stop and onto the A120 towards Harwich and then 4th exit at Ramsey roundabout to continue normal line of route.

Towards Colchester:

Same above diversion in reverse.

Bus stops will not be served from Oakley Rd to Saint Michaels Church. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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