• Location
    Head St, Crouch St
  • Cause
    Road Closure
  • Effective
    04/09/2023 - 05/09/2023

Head Street & Crouch Street Road Closures

4th - 5th September, 20:00 - 05:00 (overnight)

Services & Diversion Routes:

S1 to Highwoods:

Osborne Street, Stanwell St, Southway, Balkerne Hill, Middleborough  

S2 to Highwoods: 

Essex County Hospital, Southway, Osborne Street, Stanwell St, Southway, Balkerne Hill, Middleborough  

S2 to Stanway: 

Osborne Street, Stanwell Street, Southway, Essex County Hospital

S3 to West Bergholt: 

Osborne Street, Stanwell St, Southway, Balkerne Hill, Middleborough  

S4 to Greenstead: 

Osborne Street, Stanwell Street, Town Railway Station 

S6 / S7 to Osborne Street 

Butt Road, Southway, Osborne Street  (Turn Right At Police Station Traffic Lights) 

S8 to Monkwick:  

Osborne Street, Stanwell Street, Mersea Rd 

S6/S7/S8 to N/station:

Osborne Street, Stanwell St, Southway, Balkerne Hill, Middleborough  

S9 to Rowhedge: 

Osborne Street, Stanwell Street, Military Road 

1A to Greenstead: 

Maldon Road, Southway, Town Rail Station, Magdalen Street, Brook Street 

2A to Highwoods: 

Middleborough, Balkerne Hill, Southway, Town Rail Station, Magdalen Street, Brook Street 

2A to Great Horkesley: 

Osborne Street, Stanwell St, Southway, Balkerne Hill, Middleborough  

4 to Hythe Tesco: 

Osborne Street, Stanwell St, Southway, Balkerne Hill, Middleborough  

4 to Sainsburys Stanway: 

Middleborough, Balkerne Hill, Southway, Osborne Street 

75 to Osborne Street: 

Maldon Road, Southway, Osborne Street 

80/80A/81/81A to Osborne Street: 

Middleborough, Balkerne Hill, Southway, Osborne Street 

82/82A/82B to Osborne Street: 

Essex County Hospital, Southway, Osborne Street 

83/83A/83B to Osborne Street: 

Essex County Hospital, Southway, Osborne Street 

68 to Mersea Island: 

Middleborough, Balkerne Hill, Southway, Osborne Street, Stanwell Street, Mersea Road 

68 to Highwoods:

Osborne Street, Stanwell St, Southway, Balkerne Hill, Middleborough  

87 to North Station / Great Horkesley: 

Osborne Street, Stanwell St, Southway, Balkerne Hill, Middleborough  

88/88A/88B to Osborne Street: 

Essex County Hospital, Southway, Osborne Street 

88/88A/88B to Halstead:

Osborne Street, Stanwell Street, Southway, Essex County Hospital

102/103/104 to Harwich: 

Stanwell Street, Town Rail Station, Magdalen Street, Brook Street 

X20/ 371 / X71 to Osborne Street: 

Essex County Hospital, Southway, Osborne Street 

X20/ 371/ X71 Outbound:

Osborne Street, Stanwell Street, Southway, Essex County Hospital

Stops Not Served: St John's Street, Head Street & Crouch Street bus stops will not be served.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

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