• Location
    Road between Treliever Cross and Penryn,Treliever
  • Cause
    Road Works
  • Responsibility
  • Effective
    26/10/2022 - 28/10/2022

From Wednesday 26th October to Friday 28th October 2022 between the hours of 1900 and 0700, there will be a closure along the road between Treliever Cross and Penryn, Treliever.

This will affect services U1, U2 and U4.

Buses will be diverting as follows:

Towards Penryn

Buses will still be serving Penryn Campus as usual then coming back out onto the A39. They will then travel towards Treluswell Roundabout and take a right onto the B3292. Using this road, they will head towards Penryn turning right on Browns Hill where they will resume the normal line of route at West End Close.

Towards Penryn Campus

From West End Close, buses will turn right up Browns Hill and travel up the B3292 onto Treluswell Roundabout. They will then come off left and travel down the A39 and into Penryn campus. Here they will resume their normal service.

Please note that we will not be able to serve any stops along Treliever Road from 1900 PM to 0700 AM for the duration of this closure.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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